Health and Safety (SST) at eSocial.
Since 01/2022, all companies are required to send events S-2210, S-2220 and S-2240, which are data related to Workers' Health and Safety to the Digital Bookkeeping System for Tax, Social Security and Labor Obligations - eSocial.
Here we take care of all these obligations for your business, from end to end the process is carried out by us, we are experts in bringing solutions to your operations.
We serve in all cities in Brazil.
eSocial, one of the pillars of the Public Digital Bookkeeping System (Sped), is a system that seeks to modernize the fulfillment of ancillary obligations by unifying the sending of companies' tax, social security and labor information in a completely digital way.
eSocial is a challenging project. Firstly, due to its size, as it will unite, for the first time, several federal agencies, in addition to involving all companies and employees.
The second point is that the program will allow a set of information to be sent to a single place, the eSocial National Environment, completely online.
It is worth mentioning that eSocial does not change the legislation, it only aims to generate more control, transparency and reliability of the information sent to the Government.
Therefore, for organizations, eSocial will require a review of HR, Personnel Administration, Occupational Medicine and Safety, Legal and Tax processes, due to the greater exposure of their data.
The completion of occupational health medical certificates - ASO, whether admission, dismissal, periodic, change of risks and return to work generates event S-2220 - Monitoring of Worker's Health, this event must be transmitted to eSocial whenever there is occurrence.
Event S-2240 - Environmental Working Conditions - Harmful Agents, must be sent to eSocial in order to provide descriptions of the work environment, whether there is exposure to risks listed under social security legislation and that are capable of giving rise to special retirement for the employee, as well as informing the description of the activities carried out by the employee and other details, this event replaces the issuance of the Social Security Professional Profile - PPP.
The event S-2210 - Communication of Accident at Work, must be sent to report accidents or illnesses at work, it replaces the way in which the Communication of Accident at Work - CAT was transmitted, that is, the event S-2210 is nothing more is than CAT.
We are a reference in the Northeast when it comes to OSH in eSocial, we have large, medium and small clients, we are located in Maceió/AL and in addition to the regional market we serve throughout Brazil.
When choosing a supplier for these declaratory services, look for a quality company that has know-how.
saúde e segurança do trabalho no esocial - sst eventos s-2210 s-2240 s-2220 enviamos todos os eventos somos de Maceió/AL mas atendemos todas as cidades do Brasil:
Atendemos nas seguintes cidades de Alagoas: Água Branca/AL, Anadia/AL, Arapiraca/AL, Atalaia/AL, Barra de Santo Antônio/AL, Barra de São Miguel/AL, Batalha/AL, Belo Monte/AL, Boca da Mata/AL, Branquinha/AL, Cacimbinhas/AL, Cajueiro/AL, Campestre/AL, Campo Alegre/AL, Campo Grande/AL, Canapi/AL, Capela/AL, Carneiros/AL, Chã Preta/AL, Coité do Nóia/AL, Colônia Leopoldina/AL, Coqueiro Seco/AL, Coruripe/AL, Craíbas/AL, Delmiro Gouveia/AL, Dois Riachos/AL, Estrela de Alagoas/AL, Feira Grande/AL, Feliz Deserto/AL, Flexeiras/AL, Girau do Ponciano/AL, Ibateguara/AL, Igaci/AL, Igreja Nova/AL, Inhapi/AL, Jacaré dos Homens/AL, Jacuípe/AL, Japaratinga/AL, Jaramataia/AL, Jequiá da Praia/AL, Joaquim Gomes/AL, Jundiá/AL, Junqueiro/AL, Lagoa da Canoa/AL, Limoeiro de Anadia/AL, Maceió/AL, Major Isidoro/AL, Mar Vermelho, Maragogi/AL, Maravilha/AL, Marechal Deodoro/AL, Maribondo/AL, Mata Grande/AL, Matriz de Camaragibe/AL, Messias/AL, Minador do Negrão/AL, Monteirópolis/AL, Murici/AL, Novo Lino/AL, Olho dÁgua das Flores/AL, Olho dÁgua do Casado/AL, Olho dÁgua Grande/AL, Olivença/AL, Ouro Branco/AL, Palestina/AL, Palmeira dos Índios/AL, Pão de Açúcar/AL, Pariconha/AL, Paripueira/AL, Passo de Camaragibe/AL, Paulo Jacinto/AL, Penedo/AL, Piaçabuçu/AL, Pilar/AL, Pindoba/AL, Piranhas/AL, Poço das Trincheiras/AL, Porto Calvo/AL, Porto de Pedras/AL, Porto Real do Colégio/AL, Quebrangulo/AL, Rio Largo/AL, Roteiro/AL, Santa Luzia do Norte/AL, Santana do Ipanema/AL, Santana do Mundaú/AL, São Brás/AL, São José da Laje/AL, São José da Tapera/AL, São Luís do Quitunde/AL, São Miguel dos Campos/AL, São Miguel dos Milagres/AL, São Sebastião/AL, Satuba/AL, Senador Rui Palmeira/AL, Tanque dArca/AL, Taquarana/AL, Teotônio Vilela/AL, Traipu/AL, União dos Palmares/AL e Viçosa/AL.
Atendemos nas seguintes cidades em Sergipe: Amparo de São Francisco/SE, Aquidabã/SE, Aracaju/SE, Arauá/SE, Areia Branca/SE, Barra dos Coqueiros/SE, Boquim/SE, Brejo Grande/SE, Campo do Brito/SE, Canhoba/SE, Canindé de São Francisco/SE, Capela/SE, Carira/SE, Carmópolis/SE, Cedro de São João/SE, Cristinápolis/SE, Cumbe/SE, Divina Pastora Estância/SE, Feira Nova/SE, Frei Paulo/SE, Gararu/SE, General Maynard/SE, Gracho Cardoso/SE, Ilha das Flores/SE, Indiaroba/SE, Itabaiana/SE, Itabaianinha/SE, Itabi/SE, Itaporanga dAjuda/SE, Japaratuba/SE, Japoatã/SE, Lagarto/SE, Laranjeiras/SE, Macambira/SE, Malhada dos Bois/SE, Malhador/SE, Maruim/SE, Moita Bonita/SE, Monte Alegre de Sergipe/SE, Muribeca/SE, Neópolis/SE, Nossa Senhora Aparecida/SE, Nossa Senhora da Glória/SE, Nossa Senhora das Dores/SE, Nossa Senhora de Lourdes/SE, Nossa Senhora do Socorro/SE, Pacatuba/SE, Pedra Mole/SE, Pedrinhas/SE, Pinhão/SE, Pirambu/SE, Poço Redondo/SE, Poço Verde/SE, Porto da Folha/SE, Propriá/SE, Riachão do Dantas/SE, Riachuelo/SE, Ribeirópolis/SE, Rosário do Catete/SE, Salgado/SE, Santa Luzia do Itanhy/SE, Santa Rosa de Lima/SE, Santana do São Francisco/SE, Santo Amaro das Brotas/SE, São Cristóvão/SE, São Domingos/SE, São Francisco/SE, São Miguel do Aleixo/SE, Simão Dias/SE, Siriri/SE, Telha/SE, Tobias Barreto/SE, Tomar do Geru/SE,
Atendemos nas seguintes cidades em Pernambuco:
Abreu e Lima/PE, Afogados da Ingazeira/PE, Afrânio/PE, Agrestina/PE, Água Preta/PE, Águas Belas/PE, Alagoinha/PE, Aliança/PE, Altinho/PE, Amaraji/PE, Angelim/PE, Araçoiaba/PE, Araripina/PE, Arcoverde/PE, Barra de Guabiraba/PE, Barreiros/PE, Belém de Maria/PE, Belém do São Francisco/PE, Belo Jardim/PE, Betânia/PE, Bezerros/PE, Bodocó/PE, Bom Conselho/PE, Bom Jardim/PE, Bonito/PE, Brejão/PE, Brejinho/PE, Brejo da Madre de Deus/PE, Buenos Aires/PE, Buíque/PE, Cabo de Santo Agostinho/PE, Cabrobó/PE, Cachoeirinha/PE, Caetés/PE, Calçado/PE, Calumbi/PE, Camaragibe/PE, Camocim de São Félix/PE, Camutanga/PE, Canhotinho/PE, Capoeiras/PE, Carnaíba/PE, Carnaubeira da Penha/PE, Carpina/PE,
Caruaru/PE, Casinhas/PE, Catende/PE, Cedro/PE, Chã de Alegria/PE, Chã Grande/PE, Condado/PE, Correntes/PE, Cortês/PE, Cumaru/PE, Cupira/PE, Custódia/PE, Dormentes/PE, Escada/PE, Exu/PE, Feira Nova/PE, Fernando de Noronha/PE, Ferreiros/PE, Flores/PE, Floresta/PE, Frei Miguelinho/PE, Gameleira/PE, Garanhuns/PE, Glória do Goitá/PE, Goiana/PE, Granito/PE, Gravatá/PE, Iati/PE, Ibimirim/PE, Ibirajuba/PE, Igarassu/PE, Iguaraci/PE, Ilha de Itamaracá/PE, Inajá/PE, Ingazeira/PE, Ipojuca/PE, Ipubi/PE, Itacuruba/PE, Itaíba/PE, Itambé/PE, Itapetim/PE, Itapissuma/PE, Itaquitinga/PE, Jaboatão dos Guararapes/PE, Jaqueira/PE, Jataúba/PE, Jatobá/PE, João Alfredo/PE, Joaquim Nabuco/PE, Jucati/PE, Jupi/PE, Jurema/PE, LAGOA DE ITAENGA/PE, Lagoa do Carro/PE, Lagoa do Ouro/PE, Lagoa dos Gatos/PE, Lagoa Grande/PE, Lajedo/PE, Limoeiro/PE, Macaparana/PE, Machados/PE, Manari/PE, Maraial/PE, Mirandiba/PE, Moreilândia/PE, Moreno/PE, Nazaré da Mata/PE, Olinda/PE, Orobó/PE, Orocó/PE, Ouricuri/PE, Palmares/PE, Palmeirina/PE, Panelas/PE, Paranatama/PE, Parnamirim/PE, Passira/PE, Paudalho/PE, Paulista/PE, Pedra/PE, Pesqueira/PE, Petrolândia/PE, Petrolina/PE, Poção/PE, Pombos/PE, Primavera/PE, Quipapá/PE, Quixaba/PE, Recife/PE, Riacho das Almas/PE, Ribeirão/PE, Rio Formoso/PE, Sairé/PE, Salgadinho/PE, Salgueiro/PE, Saloá/PE, Sanharó/PE, Santa Cruz/PE, Santa Cruz da Baixa Verde/PE, Santa Cruz do Capibaribe/PE, Santa Filomena/PE, Santa Maria da Boa Vista/PE, Santa Maria do Cambucá/PE, Santa Terezinha/PE, São Benedito do Sul/PE, São Bento do Uma/PE, São Caitano/PE, São João/PE, São Joaquim do Monte/PE, São José da Coroa Grande/PE, São José do Belmonte/PE, São José do Egito/PE, São Lourenço da Mata/PE, São Vicente Ferrer/PE, Serra Talhada/PE, Serrita/PE, Sertânia/PE, Sirinhaém/PE, Solidão/PE, Surubim/PE, Tabira/PE, Tacaimbó/PE, Tacaratu/PE, Tamandaré/PE, Taquaritinga do Norte/PE, Terezinha/PE, Terra Nova/PE, Timbaúba/PE, Toritama/PE, Tracunhaém/PE, Trindade/PE, Triunfo/PE, Tupanatinga/PE, Tuparetama/PE, Venturosa/PE, Verdejante/PE, Vertente do Lério/PE, Vertentes/PE, Vicência/PE, Vitória de Santo Antão/PE, Xexéu/PE.